Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Six Essential Strategies for Measuring Your Podcast Campaign ROI


I'd like to share insights on effectively measuring podcast campaign success. My extensive experience in the industry has taught me valuable lessons about tracking and evaluating the impact of podcast advertising.

First, it's essential to understand that only some things can be tracked. At TWiT, we stream our shows live on multiple platforms, reaching thousands of fans. These live views aren't trackable, which means our brand partners receive bonus exposure that isn't reflected in standard metrics.

Now, let's discuss how to effectively measure podcast ad campaigns:

1. Set realistic expectations: Podcast consumption is on-demand, so campaigns can take up to eight weeks to reach full impact. Patience is vital when evaluating results.

2. Monitor ad impressions: Track episode downloads and review impression updates regularly. At TWiT, we provide weekly audio, video, and YouTube impressions updates.

3. Analyze direct response metrics: While landing page visits and offer code usage are valuable tools, remember that they don't tell the whole story. Many listeners, especially in tech-savvy audiences, will bypass these methods.

4. Utilize podcast ad tech: We offer Spotify Ad Analytics and Podscribe for comprehensive tracking. These tools provide insights into listener behavior and ad effectiveness.

5. Diversify advertising channels: Converting a listener often takes 7-15 touchpoints. To maximize reach and effectiveness, we recommend pairing podcast ads with other forms of advertising.

6. Implement post-purchase surveys: This often-overlooked tool can provide crucial insights into how customers discovered your brand.

Remember, genuinely gauging a podcast campaign's success requires combining these tools and approaches. Allow time for the ad to make an impact, and if you see traction, consider maintaining consistency in your campaign.

At TWiT.tv, we're committed to helping our partners achieve their advertising goals. If you're interested in exploring podcast advertising opportunities with us, please contact me directly at Lisa @ twit.tv. We'd be happy to discuss your campaign objectives and how we can support your growth.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Changes at TWiT.tv - Embracing Change and Impermanence


I understand that changes, cancellations, pivots, and new content announcements can sometimes be met with negativity. However, it's important to remember that change is a natural and necessary part of life.

When we resist change, we create unnecessary suffering for ourselves. We become attached to the way things are and fear the unknown. But if we learn to embrace change, we can open ourselves to new possibilities and opportunities.

Pivoting and trying new things can be challenging, but it's also essential for growth and evolution. It allows us to learn new skills, expand our horizons, and adapt to the ever-changing world.

So, instead of reacting negatively to change, let's embrace it with curiosity and openness. Let's see it as an opportunity for growth and transformation. Networks add new programming and cancel shows all the time. It's expected, it's media.

Remember, the only constant in life is change. We can live more fulfilling and dynamic lives by accepting and embracing it instead of fighting or complaining.

Yesterday, I announced that "Ask The Tech Guys" ended in its current format. However, we are excited to announce that we are combining tech help with tech literacy, and "Hands-On Tech" is reborn, featuring elements from both "Ask The Tech Guys" and "Hands-On Tech." It will also be less than 30 minutes long, addressing concerns from our fans about the length of our shows.

We have heard from our fans and understand that content has exploded, making it challenging to keep up with longer shows. That's why we have created short-form content over the last few years.

Hands-On Tech joins our short format shows like Home Theater Geeks with Scott Wilkinson, Hands-On Windows with Paul Thurrott, and Hands-On Mac, starring our iOS expert Mikah Sargent. 

Therefore, plan on more changes as we evolve and grow, and try leaning in with excitement and curiosity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

TWiT.tv's New Partnership Opportunities

If you've heard my latest episode of Host-Read Ads, you know we have an update on our expanded partnership offerings for 2024. TWiT has diversified our options to provide value at every level of engagement.

We're pleased to announce our collaboration with Libsyn Ads, who now manages dynamic insertion audio ads for our new public club shows. They also have exclusivity on residual audio inventory for our eight public-facing shows. Libsyn offers producer-read ads with flexible targeting options, making it an excellent entry point for those looking to test our market.

For brands seeking a more integrated approach, our direct partnerships offer host-read ads within our show content. These in-depth, mid-roll placements allow our hosts to authentically introduce your brand to our audience without strict time constraints.

We've also introduced an opening billboard opportunity, providing premium visibility across all shows for a full week. This 30-second slot, positioned after the cold open, ensures maximum audience attention.

Our comprehensive direct partnership package includes additional benefits such as onboarding calls with hosts, presence on our sponsor page, social media promotion, shareable commercials, and promotion to our 14,000+ ad-free club members.

At TWiT, we're committed to curating partnerships that add value for our tech-savvy audience. Our full-service team is ready to support your campaign from conception to launch, ensuring alignment with your growth goals and campaign objectives.

If you want to explore how TWiT can support your marketing strategy, please contact us at advertise@twit.tv. We look forward to discussing how we can help you connect with our engaged audience of technology enthusiasts.


Monday, March 25, 2024

TWiT.tv Excel's At Making Our Partner's Ads Stand Out

 At TWiT, we excel at making our partner's ads stand out.

Our comprehensive continuity team includes:

★ **Copywriting**: Crafting compelling ad scripts to ensure your podcast ad stands out.

★ **Graphics**: Enhancing your lower third graphics to captivate viewers of our content.

★ **Production**: Shooting high-quality B-roll footage to leverage in your ad.

Our commitment to you with every paid minimum campaign:

★ Over-delivery of ad impressions through embedded placements.

★ Prominent presence on our sponsor page, show episode page, and in our RSS feed description.

★ Courtesy commercials available for use across all platforms except paid media.

★ Social media promotion on TWiT's X, Facebook, and LinkedIn channels.

★ Quarterly promotion in our weekly newsletter reaching over 14K fans.

★ Inclusion in our RSS feed description for all shows published in Club TWiT, reaching over 11K fans.

Are you ready to grow with us? Reach out to us at advertise@twit.tv.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Top Five Ways You Can Support Your Favorite Podcasts/Podcast Networks

Here are the top five ways you can support your favorite podcasts/podcast networks:

Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe - and then listen/watch what you download. Remember, you can listen while cooking, exercising, driving, commuting, or doing a mundane task to keep your mind fresh, entertained, and educated.

Support podcast sponsors - simply visiting a sponsor's website and making a purchase is not enough. Use your podcast's offer code or visit their landing page so the podcaster gets credit. Less than 60% of TWiT's audience uses them based on our 2024 survey. If it were 100%, brands would know where you heard about them from.

Join podcast clubs or pay for your content. It costs money to make content. Have you ever heard how many people produce one episode of NPR's Upfirst? I understand they are public radio with deep pockets. Small/independent podcasters do more with less. Here at TWiT, we only have a handful of producers, and we produce fourteen shows. It takes the combined efforts of our hosts and producers to make it all happen, and they do not work for free. Fan support helps, especially since advertising has dwindled. TWiT fans can sign up here: https://twit.tv/clubtwit

Reshare your favorite podcast episodes on social or repost your favorite podcast's posts. By sharing content, you help increase awareness and introduce your followers to the content you love. TWiT fans can follow us on YouTube, Facebook, X (@TWiT), Instagram (@twit.tv), TikTok (@twittok), Bluesky (@twit.tv), or apply to join our Mastodon.

Lastly, tell a friend! Word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of advertising. If you enjoy content, tell a friend about it. Community is what makes podcasting great. Well, that and fantastic content.

Monday, February 26, 2024

What it Takes to Measure a Podcast Campaign

Here is what it takes to properly measure podcast campaigns:

1. Set the expectation that podcast ads can take up to eight weeks to reach their most significant impact. Podcasts are on-demand, meaning fans download episodes and listen when they want to. You cannot expect to receive a lot of traction the day after a podcast ad drops. You must give fans time to download an episode, listen to it, and then act on it. Here at TWiT.tv, most of a show's downloads occur in the first few weeks, which doesn't mean it was heard immediately. That's why we set the expectation that every ad that drops takes eight weeks because you have to allow for this process to happen.

2. Review the ad impressions that are provided to you during the campaign. This will show you how many episodes have been downloaded and will give you an idea of when ads were served. At TWiT, we update our reporting documents every Friday with audio, video, and YouTube impressions. This provides brands with how many downloads have happened and how many more are needed to fully satisfy the contracted impressions.

3. If you set up a unique landing page or offer code, review these metrics and remember that podcasts are on-demand. It will take time for fans to act.

4. Use podcast ad tech. Here at TWiT, we offer Spotify Ad Analytics (SAA), which is free and tracks our audio episodes only. We also offer Podscribe because they track video and audio, but we do not cover the cost. Ad tech will provide brands with insights on who downloaded an episode with their ad in it. This allows brands to track an IP address for 60 days and match it to those who visited its website. Because SAA only tracks audio, we provide a gross-up to count video downloads. We highly recommend using ad tech to see the traction of how many unique listeners visited a brand's website. We highly recommend this at TWiT because our fans are tech-savvy and will not visit landing pages or search for offer codes to get a discount. Our fans will google the brand's name and go straight to their website, and most of the time the offer is the same as a landing page. This is where ad tech can help provide metrics on traffic because you honestly can't track offer codes/landing pages to measure traction.

5. Advertise elsewhere. Be sure to pair your podcast campaign with other forms of advertising because it can take 7 - 15 touchpoints to convert a fan into a client. We recommend advertising in other podcasts, radio, TV, newsletters, social media, banners, and Google ads.

6. Brands must implement post-purchase surveys. This is the one tool left out of several campaigns, and it must be there. We recommend Faring.co, and there are plenty of others. This will show brands where fans heard about them after making the purchase.

Therefore, it takes more than one tool to gauge the success of a podcast campaign. We understand that ad tech can be invasive, and some brands choose to leave this out. That's fine so long as you implement all the other tools. If not, consider your podcast campaign to be a branding campaign because you cannot focus on one metric. It takes multiple tools to truly gauge the success of a campaign. If you sign up for a test utilizing these tools and you see traction, my recommendation is to renew for the next quarter because you are reaching fans who are interested in your brand, and traction/conversions should continue to increase.

If you are interested in partnering with us, then please reach out to advertise@twit.tv, and let's schedule a call to discuss your growth goals.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Host-Read Ads Stand Out


Host-read ads are superior to voice talent ads in podcast advertising. My podcast, Host-Read Ads, was created about a year ago to educate brands about this.

Even Spotify admits that host-read ads outperform other ads due to the audience's emotional connection and trust in the host. As podcast advertising gained popularity, host-read ads became advertisers' preferred format. However, voice talent podcast ads (read by actors and producers) have become increasingly popular with agencies.

Here are three reasons why you need to prioritize networks that offer host-read ads over voice talent ads:

1. The audience prefers to hear the ad read from the host, not from someone else. Listeners will pay closer attention to a host-read ad.

2. A host-read ad is more effective in creating an emotional connection with the audience because they trust the host with content, so they will trust the host with an ad read.

3. A longer interstitial host-read ad allows hosts to tell an engaging story about the brand, including testimonials, features and benefits, and a compelling reason why a listener would want to consider the brand. This drive conversions.

Brands may want to scale with voice talent ads due to their lower cost; however, they differ from host-read ads in response and pricing.